Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Silent Love

From the very beginning, the girl's family objected strongly on her dating this guy. Saying that it has got to do with family background & that the girl will have to suffer for the rest of her life if she were to be with him. 

Due to family's pressure, the couple quarrel very often. Though the girl love the guy deeply, but she always ask him: "How deep is your love for me?"

As the guy is not good with his words, this often causes the girl to be very upset. With that & the family's pressure, the girl often vents her anger on him. As for him, he only endures it in silence.

After a couple of years, the guy finally graduated & decided to further his studies in overseas. Before leaving, he proposed to the girl: "I'm not very good with words. But all I know is that I love you. If you allow me, I will take care of you for the rest of my life. As for your family, I'll try my best to talk them round. Will you marry me?" 

The girl agreed, & with the guy's determination, the family finally gave in & agreed to let them get married. So before he leaves, they got engaged.

The girl went out to the working society, whereas the guy was overseas, continuing his studies. They sent their love through emails & phone calls. Though it's hard, but both never thought of giving up.

One day, while the girl was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that lost control. When she woke up, she saw her parents beside her bed. She realized that she was badly injured. Seeing her mum crying, she wanted to comfort her. But she realized that all that could come out of her mouth was just a sigh. She has lost her voice...... 

The doctor says that the impact on her brain has caused her to lose her voice. Listening to her parents' comfort, but with nothing coming out from her, she broke down.

During the stay in hospital, besides silence cry,'s still just silence cry that companied her. Upon reaching home, everything seems to be the same. Except for the ringing tone of the phone. Which pierced into her heart every time it rang. She does not wish to let the guy know. & not wanting to be a burden to him, she wrote a letter to him saying that she does not wish to wait any longer.

With that, she sent the ring back to him. In return, the guy sent millions & millions of reply, and countless of phone calls,.. all the girl could do, besides crying, is still crying....

The parents decided to move away, hoping that she could eventually forget everything & be happy.

With a new environment, the girl learnt sign language & started a new life. Telling herself everyday that she must forget the guy. One day, her friend came & told her that he's back. She asked her friend not to let him know what happened to her. Since then, there wasn't anymore news of him.

A year has passed & her friend came with an envelope, containing an invitation card for the guy's wedding. The girl was shattered. When she opened the letter, she saw her name in it instead.

When she was about to ask her friend what's going on, she saw the guy standing in front of her. He used sign language telling her "I've spent a year's time to learn sign language. Just to let you know that I've not forgotten our promise. Let me have the chance to be your voice. I Love You. With that, he slipped the ring back into her finger. The girl finally smiled.

Love Hurt Sometimes

Then, I would never have believed that ten years after we split I would still think of him. The scientist in me is always surprised to rediscover this fact: That a person can truly be broken. Forever. There is no “It was for the best” here; no hard earned wisdom that I am glad I came by. Our split was simply a complete and utter destruction of my person. Life can be that way. Eventually you have to move on; Life, again, compels you. And, after all, I wanted to be happy again. So, you pick up what’s left, reinvent what isn’t and go on.

I think the specter of our breakup has changed me far more than our
relationship. Away from the warm glow of naivete, the memories of us seem trite. It is true that only we assign meaning to our experiences. On paper they mean nothing. We went camping with my family. I snuck clandestine visits to his house after school. He biked out to my house in the middle of the night. We hung out with his friends. He got the chicken pox. We made out in the hallways at school and passed notes. We drove - a lot, we drank some, we smoked pot once. And of course we had sex, my first. We were in going to be married, you see.

Mostly, we had no fear. We talked about ourselves, our dreams, our
childhoods, our parents. Each discussion was a wonderful opening, with no fear of what we might discover or lose. Every fact, every feeling shared was a precious thing to be cherished and savored. Our universe did not understand the possibility of loss.

Eventually, there was another. There always is in these stories. She took him away with a kiss. To explain the complete and utter vacancy of the following months would be difficult. At least there were tangible side effects: the loss of 25 pounds, the withdrawal, the tears, and tears, and tears. To this day I have not replenished them. Only after I rebuilt myself did he want me back. But the me had that had been was lost.

It is more than ten years later. The person he missed hasn’t returned. I don’t think she will. I look for her sometimes, in boxes of old things, but she is never there. The beach is my place now. It is small consolation for a lost self. I know now that our relationship was far from perfect. I know what he has done with his life, and what I have done with mine, and logically, I understand them to be incompatible. What I really miss is the me that didn’t consider such things.

I see him in dreams sometimes. We approach, we talk; we are never
lovers. In my dreams we travel asymptotic paths; never crossing, almost touching, our current lives the tiny infinite gap between us. I like my life now. It makes me happy. But above all, I can never forgive him. It’s not that he was perfect. It’s not that we were perfect. It’s simply that he was my Everything, and he chose to leave

Internet Love

A young girl. 13 years old always wanted love in her life and never knew how to get it. Oh how she wanted to be loved and wanted to love. One day she went in a chat room not looking for a special relationship with someone, just felt like talking. She met a nice young man, told her he was 19 and he was nice to her and she liked him. They exchanged e-mails and kept in contact. Everytime the girl would talk to him and have fun, she only thought as him as a good friend but, one day he started telling her how he really felt about her.
By this time it had been three months they had been talking. She started realizing she had some feelings for him to but, she didn't want to think this was a sex offender or anything so she just told him what she really felt about him and why she wasn't opening up to him. He understood but, was sad. He said he never wanted to hurt her. After a while they stopped talking and she grew sad because she missed him. He said he was caught up with college and work and couldn't be on much. he came back on and she told him that she loved him, she just knew her feelings for him then.
They had a relationship over the internet for a while, they were so happy. Then he stopped talking to her again for a while. He came back on and told her he was gone cuz of school and work again. She understood and was just happy he was back. He said he had to go for a little bit but wanted her to talk to his roommate and become friends with him. So she agreed. They talked and as she talked to him, he seemed so much like her love, he talked the same way and made her feel good the same way. Then she started thinking maybe it was a joke and tat she was talking to her love the whole time and he was just being mean. She was confused. The boy started saying he really liked her and that he thought he loved her. She grew scared now. Her love came back on and started asking if she liked his roommate. She told him he was a very nice boy. He started asking if she would want to date them both, he and his roommate. She started thinking he didn't love her as he led on and didn't care if she was with another man. She told that to him and said she was sad. he told her he loved her so much but, wasn't sure if he was who she wanted.
After that they forgot about the whole thing until the girl got an offline message from the boy and it was saying he was going to take her away from her love because he loved her so much. She told her love and he got upset with his roommate. After that the boy was told he could only be a friend to the girl, he didn't like it but, he wanted to talk to her so he accepted the agreement. They all stopped talking because the boys computers got a virus and the girl never knew that. She grew lonely and thought her love would never talk to her again. So, she sent him a message saying she didn't want to be with him anymore.
The next week while she was on the computer the boy came on and told the girl that her love had been arrested for attempting to have sex with a minor. By this time the girl had already turned 14 years of age. She was so upset. She still loved him. The boy was nice and talked to her and made her feel better. She started realizing the boy wasn't such a bad guy. She grew to realize the man that she loved had lied to her. He never loved her and was just playing a mean joke. Now the boy says he loves the girl and she likes him a lot now but is afraid the same incident will happen again. The boy knows this and accepts it and will wait for her till she knows how she feels or even wants him. She found a better man.
After a couple years she met this boy in person. She never told him how she felt they just talked for a few years. She finally thought it was appropriate at the time they met that she told him she loved him. She did that and he was happy, he thought she never cared for him. But, he was wrong. Then they went out together for a year and they got married and had a baby girl. They were married for 5 years when the girl grew ill while she was pregnant with her second child. She gave birth to a baby boy and died a week after his birth. The baby boy was born sick and died the day after the mother. 

This was a girl who was truely loved by her husband and got as she wished. This man was her miracle and she had now been loved and loved too.

The boy raised his daughter, she was raped at age 16 by the man her mother onced loved. The was sent to prison. The daughter gave birth to a baby boy and raised it. The father loved his wife so much that his daughter looked so much like her that he couldn't stand it anymore. He thought he would go crazy and think his daughter is his wife and do horrible things to her that wouldn't be horrible if it was his wife. He killed himself thinking he would be with his wife. But, he never found her. For he had been put in another place.

Where Is The Love?

Imagine for a second that a young couple so deep in love that they can't see beyond each other's eyes, plan out not only a pending wedding but as well what will be a blueprint for the rest of their lives together. 

Next imagine that for one night all is forgotten. It's funny how your world can turn upside down in an instant either for good or the bad. The ironic thing is that she wound up doing both to me. Now I have some simple philosophies about relationships and one of them just seems to be about trust. 

"I will always trust you until you give me a reason not to." She said that there was going to be a girl's nite out at a local club and I told her I was fine with it because she needed it (We were both going through some stress at the time). After finding out that she had already decided not to come back till around 3 in the morning, I decided to make plans for myself so as I wouldn't be left alone all night. I went to the other side of town to hang out with my best friend whom I haven't seen for a long while. I planned everything out perfectly so that I would be at home right around 3 about the same time as her. Well as the night progressed I was starting to get a little dependant on her call. I was waiting to hear how here night was going or for her to as how my night was going...... no call at all.

Right around 2 I decided to call her it was no surprise that she was totally wasted but thanks to her friend from work she was able to get home safely. I rushed to get back home but was only able to make it by 3 like I had intended. As I entered our apartment I found her boots lying in the living room and also found her sound asleep in the room. Now here is the part where I do admit that I could be wrong. As I was setting up to go to sleep as well, I checked her phone and her text messages only to find that she had sent various messages to someone named Anna. By my own knowledge Anna is a female name but these messages weren't made out on that fact. It seemed that she was sending messages to someone named Ricky which I can only think was her ex-boyfriend before I came along a year ago. You also have to keep in mind, that was the last piece of the puzzle that confirmed my suspicions. On earlier occasions she would step out of a room to make a call, became very private about the things she did when I wasn't around, and to top it all off was acting very separated towards me. I think that if it looks like shit, smells like shit, then 10 times out of 10 it is shit. My only assumption was that she is cheating on me. Now here I am, the following day pouring my heart out to anyone that will listen. Everything I have in life is in her. My family is in another state, we've invested so much into each other, and basically outside of this I have nothing. Just in case your wondering if i'm making myself look like a saint, i'm gonna give you some quick details about myself. I'm not a drinker, or a smoker. I'm from what people tell me funny, caring, and at sometimes out going. I have never done anything to harm her and have treated her like a queen. I guess I am a saint after all.

Internet Love

A young girl. 13 years old always wanted love in her life and never knew how to get it. Oh how she wanted to be loved and wanted to love. One day she went in a chat room not looking for a special relationship with someone, just felt like talking. She met a nice young man, told her he was 19 and he was nice to her and she liked him. They exchanged e-mails and kept in contact. Everytime the girl would talk to him and have fun, she only thought as him as a good friend but, one day he started telling her how he really felt about her.
By this time it had been three months they had been talking. She started realizing she had some feelings for him to but, she didn't want to think this was a sex offender or anything so she just told him what she really felt about him and why she wasn't opening up to him. He understood but, was sad. He said he never wanted to hurt her. After a while they stopped talking and she grew sad because she missed him. He said he was caught up with college and work and couldn't be on much. he came back on and she told him that she loved him, she just knew her feelings for him then.
They had a relationship over the internet for a while, they were so happy. Then he stopped talking to her again for a while. He came back on and told her he was gone cuz of school and work again. She understood and was just happy he was back. He said he had to go for a little bit but wanted her to talk to his roommate and become friends with him. So she agreed. They talked and as she talked to him, he seemed so much like her love, he talked the same way and made her feel good the same way. Then she started thinking maybe it was a joke and tat she was talking to her love the whole time and he was just being mean. She was confused. The boy started saying he really liked her and that he thought he loved her. She grew scared now. Her love came back on and started asking if she liked his roommate. She told him he was a very nice boy. He started asking if she would want to date them both, he and his roommate. She started thinking he didn't love her as he led on and didn't care if she was with another man. She told that to him and said she was sad. he told her he loved her so much but, wasn't sure if he was who she wanted.
After that they forgot about the whole thing until the girl got an offline message from the boy and it was saying he was going to take her away from her love because he loved her so much. She told her love and he got upset with his roommate. After that the boy was told he could only be a friend to the girl, he didn't like it but, he wanted to talk to her so he accepted the agreement. They all stopped talking because the boys computers got a virus and the girl never knew that. She grew lonely and thought her love would never talk to her again. So, she sent him a message saying she didn't want to be with him anymore.
The next week while she was on the computer the boy came on and told the girl that her love had been arrested for attempting to have sex with a minor. By this time the girl had already turned 14 years of age. She was so upset. She still loved him. The boy was nice and talked to her and made her feel better. She started realizing the boy wasn't such a bad guy. She grew to realize the man that she loved had lied to her. He never loved her and was just playing a mean joke. Now the boy says he loves the girl and she likes him a lot now but is afraid the same incident will happen again. The boy knows this and accepts it and will wait for her till she knows how she feels or even wants him. She found a better man.
After a couple years she met this boy in person. She never told him how she felt they just talked for a few years. She finally thought it was appropriate at the time they met that she told him she loved him. She did that and he was happy, he thought she never cared for him. But, he was wrong. Then they went out together for a year and they got married and had a baby girl. They were married for 5 years when the girl grew ill while she was pregnant with her second child. She gave birth to a baby boy and died a week after his birth. The baby boy was born sick and died the day after the mother.

This was a girl who was truely loved by her husband and got as she wished. This man was her miracle and she had now been loved and loved too.

The boy raised his daughter, she was raped at age 16 by the man her mother onced loved. The was sent to prison. The daughter gave birth to a baby boy and raised it. The father loved his wife so much that his daughter looked so much like her that he couldn't stand it anymore. He thought he would go crazy and think his daughter is his wife and do horrible things to her that wouldn't be horrible if it was his wife. He killed himself thinking he would be with his wife. But, he never found her. For he had been put in another place.

My own true story

I have a friend, who is very Beautiful. I met her when we had Our Quaterly meeting in Office. SomeHow I got her number,& we used to Chat a Lot.. Few days passed and our friendship grew stronger. She became my best buddy. 

Then came the day when I proposed Her. I still remember it. It was My friend's Marriage Day. I Proposed her through SMS(big mistake of mine). It was the most unforgettable moment of my life. I Did't get any reply from her..Later in the evening i got a Msg Saying that " We will be Friends Forever" ..That Msg Brought me Some PAin..The next day i was Very Shy to talk to her... 

My friends supported me in those trying days. I Knew that She Won't be Mine, but still I continued loving and thinking about her
I tried to forget her..I had to carry on in life without her.. 

I didn’t even think about my future. I just knew one thing — I love her...After that brief instance, we didn’t meet for nearly2Weeks. It was a period of heartburns and tribulations. We had lots of quarrel, but we still stayed with each other. There was something that brought us together, It was strange, we could neither stay apart nor together. But there was always this strong bonding and we continued conversing on the phone. Hours used to pass and we couldn’t realize it. I cared a lot for Her..

After remaining apart and keeping alive the fire between us, we again met. That meeting was the most precious gift . I was tense and speechless when I met her.The day we did, we had a fight over a small misunderstanding. Sometimes, lack of conversation can lead to misunderstandings that can never be sorted out. I tried a lot to resolve the differences, but She dint want it to happen. I don’t know why. I thought She was frustrated. I left her alone for few days, thinking time will bring her back. But She didn’t. Maybe, She never felt my need in her life.Life seems to be so easy, but it’s not.

Whatever happened, I am still grateful to her because She was the one with whom I fell in love. Now, when I feel like expressing myself, I can’t do that. She is not with me. I know, now She will never turn up. I still love her and will continue to love her ..She Has Gone, But Not Her Love.....