Dark Dark Girl

Dark girl so filled with strife
Dark Dark girl she'll take your life
Dark girl stay for a while
Dark Dark girl she makes me smile
Dark girl she shows no fear
Dark Dark girl is always near
Dark girl wont see her cry
Dark Dark girl just wants to die

But Dark girl lives in the dark
so you dont see her painfull mark

Dark Dark girl may never know
just how much the light can show

Don't push me

You push me harder every time
If it’s always like this
Then say goodbye
I deserve better than this

You can be all I ever need
Then you change your mind
You decide I’m not good enough
How can you be so blind?

What changed your love
You were so kind
Now you’re always angry
Please leave those feelings behind

You are so terrible to me
I can’t do anything right
And the harder I try
The more you want to fight

Well if you don’t change your mind now
I’m not going to stay here
Won’t stay around and play
Because I will not take this
Not for one more day
Dreams of you

Dreams of you
As I lay beneath the trees
Stay with me ‘til summer with
Smells of sweet grass and a soothing breeze
Take you into my safest place
Under the autumn leaves
Keep you warm when winter comes in
By a fires glow; fresh scent of evergreen
Watch ice melt and love reign down
I’ll give you the sun in all the rain
Go inside getting warm again
Dance with you in April rain
Watch summer days turn to warm warm nights
See bright red suns make bright red skies
Always keeping together our alibis
Take a gaze into your beautiful eyes
Surrender it all I make my way up your thighs
Here my love, there are no lies
We take and give watch as sunlight slowly dies
Here beneath the moonlit skies
Gasping for Air

When I came to the surface gasping for air
Alive again with the first breath
I opened my eyes to see her waiting there

If I went back under, she’d go away
She can’t bear to watch me drown
There would be no one more day

I went to climb out, nearly fell back in
She thought less of me for slipping
I try so hard not to surrender to my sin

Some days I just want to take that dive
Oh the will to give up
I don’t want to survive

Those days the skies grey and my world turns blue
She can’t cheer me up
If she only knew

How wet and cold I remain from my swim,
No towel to dry off with
My world not dark, but beginning to dim
I dream of nightmares

When can I wake up?
I close my eyes and push
Towards a conscious life
But I stay here

No care to care for me
Even my best dream is a nightmare
I hope I never wake up
If these are my dreams
What must true feeling be like?
Keeping me here
You life without
The nightmare I dream
But I lack
Your false love of doubt
I wont see the daylight
My life is just a dream

I dream of nightmares
Let me in

I will make you live
In your worst nightmare
Bring all your fears to light
Give all your darkness life

My dear, this is death
Though its not your time you brought me here
Yet you seem so scared
I can take you now
I’ll take away the pain
And you know how.

I cant do it all for you
Now that your alone
I’ll make darkness settle
So you don’t need to see
The terror I am exerting unto thee

Your almost done now
Just a little more
Just close your eyes
While I settle in
And take the payment
For all of your sin.
More Guilt this time than before

More guilt to grasp onto than before
No measure of pain to distract me from it
Nothing keeps me wanting more
My fear that true love has had its life
My every attempt to take it away
Failed with thoughts of every misspent day
But I wouldn’t have it any other way
For this is no life to live
No way of living to take or give
This pain is more than I can ever describe
Death is the only solution I could prescribe
This time I won’t fail at my goal
My addiction

I feel so good
And then just sick
Yet I do it again
For my head is thick

It gets me going
Then brings me down
Further than before
Like I’m going to drown

I tell no one
I am ashamed
I won’t tell you
I don’t want to be named

I am addicted
to my worst fear
I don’t care anymore
For death still draws near

You say you trust me
I know you shouldn’t
It could break your heart
You still think I wouldn’t

What do I choose?
Not much of a choice
I have so much to lose
I crave your voice

I choose you
My Confusion

I’m so confused
Which way to turn
What if I went both ways?
It’s not a choice but simple direction
How I hope it goes further than your detection
I show it no shame I don’t wish it away
Because I know that this feeling is here only to stay
If only I knew without a doubt
That this attraction is more than just about
An impulse, a sudden shake
My fear ended this dream, away I should wake
Up and know it was just a dream
Because there it just felt so right
Back when I was asleep
But I was taken away by the morning light
So sad he may never hold me tight

No way of life

No way of life
This is a living death
No way of death
This is a dying love
There are no reasons
I don’t need to count
Just this one reason
I am already dead
Inside, soon to be out
Why go on?

There seems to be no way out
Why not take it all away?
I fear the worst is up and about
Yet I’m so down and lay still
My fears taunting me from out of reach
If I could only reach them…
I’d pull them down and drown them
Sweet embrace

With you I always want to be
you are the world Everything to me

the one I crave your sweet embrace
indescribable joy just to see your face

What you have done sparked my desire
you set my heart a blazing fire
Your loving heart I so admire

will you take me on higher?

The chance I took has taken me

The chance I took has taken me

Up so high so far I could see
Looking down on the swimming kids
Then I took my chance
I hopped once, again
Then jumped
The rush of such a sweet surrender

Then I slipped under
Feeling weightless, numb almost
Like nothing mattered there
Keep going down, deeper
Run out of air
There is no up, or down
Even if I tried to find my way back to the surface,
who will take my hand and pull me back up?
My darkest time
Nothing matters
Nothing keeps me wanting more
The chance I took has taken me
Take you back

Take you back once
Good for you
Take you back twice
Good for me
But don’t think I will always take you back
I won’t always do what you want me to do
Because I have something you lack
An addiction that can take me away
From your loving arms
You expect me to be perfect for you
When you say
If I loved you I won’t be tempted again
Sorry sweetheart that’s what happens when
I can’t feed my craving for you
Before the desire of mine: my craving grew