Author: Cynthia
I see it in your eyes
I see it in your face
I ask myself is it really there?
I ask you and you say nothing at all
I wonder have you ever felt this way before?
I hear your heart beat and you say nothing at all
I see a twinkle in your eyes
I guess you feel it too, don't you?
I feel your hand in mine
I see cupid's arrow of love just hit you
I ask you "can you feel it?"
I hear those words " I Love You"

You've Touched Me
Author: 2003 Virginia Anne Weathers

Don't know how to explain it
Can't really put it into words
You've touched my life in so many ways
You never cease to amaze me.

I don't know what the future holds
I can't pretend that I do
I just know beyond a doubt
I always want you around.

Whether we stay the closest of friends
Or I become the love of your life
Or maybe even both occurs
As long as your in my life I can smile.

Something about you makes me smile
Not just with my mouth
And not just with my eyes
But all the way to my soul.

Thank you for what you are to me
For being who you are
And adding happiness to this life
And giving me a reason to smile.


Author: Lily Tchen
I once loved you so much
And for so long.
Why did you leave
When I did nothing wrong?
Your smile was once the sun
On a dark, rainy day.
It would clear up the sky
And keep it from being gray.
Your eyes were once the shine
Of the world's glowing light.
Or were they the twinkling stars
That once filled the night?
Your hands once had power
To give me the softest touch.
They'd always give me a slight tingle,
Which is why I loved them so much.
Your hugs were once the medicine
That'd change a frown to cheer.
A shiver would run through my body
Every time I feel your love near.
Your kisses were once the wind,
They were fresh and breezy against my face.
They were gentle, so gentle,
It's something no one will replace.
But, now you like someone else,
And it's driving me insane.
Although it's over for us,
The love we had still remains.
And so I tell myself...
Never again will I cry.
You were once everything to me,
That I can't deny.
But I couldn't keep my promise
And broke out in tears.
The hours I've cried feel like days,
The days feel like years.
As I bury my face in the pillow,
And cry my heart out and grieve,
I've learned to never give away love
If love I don't receive.
You Are The Answer To My Prayers
Author: Lourdes S.

You bring each day happiness and sunshine
With a very bright sparkling ray.
This are memories that they are tucked inside my heart
And that is where they'll always will stay.
This is special bond of a real true love
That exists between you and me,
You are the blossom of my flesh
You are the music of my soul
You are my passion my desire that I adore,
Just remember that I will always love you.
Whether is near or far,
I will always truly be there,
Cause my spirit will carry you holding you near...
Just keep this thoughts with you
Within your golden heart,
A place so strong, so very deep and so faithful and true,
You're the beating of my heart
And the very strength within my soul,
You're the only real true love,
And you're the hope and the magic that will never die,
You are the answer to all my prayers,
For you are the perfect man of my dreams,
That came out being true,
Cause all of my heart beats, is because of you.
You Are On My Mind
Author: Moon

It makes me happy just being by your side
All those feelings I just can't hide
You'll always be in my heart
Can't bear the pain when were apart

Nobody is as special as you are to me
Now I hope you are beginning to see
Just how much I care for you
And all my feelings will always be true

I can't describe how much I care
But when you need me, I will be there
To wipe those tears when you are sad
To make you happy when you are mad

All these things I really can do
Just remember I'm thinking of you
You are on my mind 24-7.

You Are My Ocean

Your essence washes over me,
Flooding me with emotion.
Your current grabs hold
And tosses me into a stormy sea.

Mystery lies deep within,
A vast body of life,
Where your soul swims with mine,
When we touch skin to skin.

Your voice calls out to me,
Seagulls singing in the ocean breeze,
A sad melody of yearning,
That longs for a special place to be.

With each deep breath I take,
Salty tears wrap around me,
Longing to be with you,
When I am asleep and awake.

Like diamond jewels of the night sky,
And grains of sparkling glass in the sand,
Your eyes draw me to a place of peace,
Where my heart fills with joy and I want to cry.
You Are My Everything
Author: Debra Hoffmann-Brown 2004

You are the stars and the moon

The sunrise and dusks light

The misty etched gardens

On a warm summers night

Twilight's reflection

On a tranquil lake

The glow of the sunrise

Of the world at daybreak

You're the laughter I hear

From a young child aglow

The whisper of an old man

At peace and letting go

You're my yesterdays memories

Todays reason to live

Tomorrow's dreams of the future

All the love I have to give

You are my beginning and my end

All I have in visions sight

Nothing has ever felt

This good or this right

So take my hand, walk beside me

All the days of our life

I've never been prouder of anything

Than I am to be your wife.
Author: Cheryl Ann
Always in my heart
you make me feel more loved
than I've ever felt
and happier than I've ever dreamed.
The love and understanding you have
is something I have searched for
my entire life.
Always in my happiest
and saddest moments,
you are my best friend and confidante.
I come to you for everything,
and you listen to me without judgment.
Always, deep within my soul,
I know we have a love like no other.
What we share is something others
only hope for and dream of,
but few ever experience.
Our love is magical beyond belief.
Always, without hesitation,
you give of yourself completely.
You have reached the very depths of my soul,
bringing out emotions I never knew I had
and unveiling an ability to love
I never thought possible.
Always and forever
you will be my dream come true,
the one I have waited for all these years.
From now until the end of time,
I will love only you.
We will be together always.
Written With The Ink Of My Blood
Author: Lourdes S.

This is written with the ink of my blood
And sealed, with an everlasting kiss,
For a love, that for me is very real,
That it burns within my soul,
For a love that I have lost,
As my heart has now the memories,
Of regrets and sorrows of yesterdays, and today's,
For the man that I love,
And now it is beyond my reach,
As my heart, is in so much agony,
As I have lost the battle within my dreams,
And now I can't see beyond the great horizons,
For this heart of mine has shed many tears of memories,
Of yesterdays, and today's,
And I just cannot find a way for those shadows
To slowly fade, and the only reason is because,
It's locked up in my heart in chains,
So deep inside me of all the joy of life in the past,
So all those memories, still will linger there,
And it will carry, the whispers and dreams,
Of my love for you, that is so profound,
Of all memories and hopes,
For the love, I have for you...

Author: James Patrick Tobin

From the glowing embers of your spirit
Came a little warmth of your love
Together we set it in a cozy little spot
Safe from the world up above

Then a soothing breath from your lungs
Helped to ignite the flame
On that lonely candle
In the core of my soul

As time passed day by day
Conflicts caused great winds to blow
But you cupped your hands around it
And it just flickered with a brilliant glow

They say that nothing is forever
But I don't believe that's true
That little candle in my heart
Is a loving peace from you