Loneliness is blue like sadness.
It tastes like a sour lime with salt on it.
It smells like rotten food and causes madness.
For fun it likes to do nothing but bad things.
While almost everything makes it angry
Everything makes it sad,
But nothing makes it happy.

Loneliness is smaller than you and me,
But bigger than peoples' minds.
Happiness is its enemy,
But nothing can be its friend.
Loneliness keeps its happy feelings in a secret place.
Its favorite place is in peoples' minds.
But it hates to be anywhere else.
Making people feel bad is its greatest success.
Not cheering people up it is greatest failure.
Loneliness makes me feel as sad as a deserted island.

Daylight breaks through equal bliss,
All the reruns consume our history.
Falling from grace,
I hope you�ll come sit by me.
All I wish is your hand,
It�s the entrance to your soul.
Each dream I had about you,
Got lost or thrown away;
I can�t wait forever,
Can�t you kiss me now?

All the poems I wrote,
Died and burned away.
You took another man,
After stealing my heart;
It cracked in two,
One for hate the other for you.
Didn�t I wait long enough?
Leaving it for the perfect time.
I can�t look at you now,
Won�t you turn away?

It�s lonely where I am now,
But I can�t turn away.
I think about you all the time,
Won�t you come listen to me?
Maybe one day I�ll get your kiss,
So I�ll feel your lips,
I won�t let the moment pass me by,
Please stay as the star in my sky;
Each day is lost without you.
Maybe one day it�ll turn out my way!


Some nights I stay up late and cry,
Other times I feel as if I could die!
In my life I feel not loved,
I always get kicked around or shoved.
But why should I be happy?
How can I be if I'm treated so crappy?
Every day seems like a battle.
I get thrown around like a baby's rattle.
Sometimes everything can be so scary.
Why can't I just be happy and merry?
For all my faults, I am to blame.
I am the one to take all the shame.


Her Unending Faith
"God, if you love me, I know it's right,
Please let us make love tonight,"
She asked Him with a pleading voice,
Thinking she had made the right choice.
She put on music that seemed best,
He would get right to the rest.
She didn't exactly know why she felt,
A cold hollow feeling as he undid his belt.
Her parents found them before it got worse,
She kicked and screamed and hit and cursed,
But ceased when she heard their news.
Many girls had been in her shoes,
They didn't stop him, he caused their strife,
And soon AIDS would take away his life.
See, God really loved her and kept her safe,
And now she has complete and total faith


Dear Dad

I'm beginning to understand life less and less everyday. When I was
young, I use to believe that I had actually had the world all figured out,
but now, as I grow, I know that having the world all figured out is
virtually impossible because I now realize that I will never understand
even the simplest things that life has to offer, like why people love who
they love, and why people fight with the ones they love the most.

People use to tell me that I was going to go places, that I was the one
that was actually going to be somebody . . . that somebody that my parents
never were, that somebody they long for me to be, and that somebody I have
always dreamed of becoming, not just to satisfy myself but also to satisfy
my family and those around me. Now it is as if my life has taken a 360
degree turn around the sharpest corner of life. I am so confused on
everything. I am now beginning to question all of my goals and
aspirations in life that I had once set for myself. Life is getting too
complicated for me, I'm to the point where I am just living day by day,
completely careless to those around me. Though I feel as if I have
everything in life that a girl could ask for - I have a lot of friends,
family, and a boyfriend that cares for me greatly, I feel more alone than
I ever have before. I just have this emptiness inside of me, and I don't
know how to fill it.

I say that I am in love, but who really knows what love is?
I guess I'm just another crazy teenager, taking one long ride on
the Roller Coaster of life. Where and when will this roller coaster stop?
Nobody knows, not even myself, all I know is I am ready to get off now.
Some days I just wish that I could be totally oblivious to the world and
other days I long for people to be around me.

I use to be a very caring person, I would do anything for anyone but now
it's as if I have no cares, and now worry about what people will think of me
if I don't do what is expected.

I have stopped living by what other people think of me and I have started
living how I want to live. I no longer act like the person I am not, I
show my true colors and many do not like them. Maybe that is why I am so
confused . . . I don't know who to satisfy, myself or the people that care
about me.

I don't think that I will ever understand this roller coaster and why I was
chosen to take this ride, right now I don't know if it will ever even come
to a complete stop, but until it does I guess I will just keep feeling
this way inside.



Have I Ever?
Have I ever told you how much you mean to me?
And how it feels like heaven whenever you're with me.
I just love the way you hold me in your warm embrace.
And when I'm down, how you gently wipe the tears from my face.
The way you kiss, how your lips softly and sweetly meet mine.
The way you innocently look into my eyes, with love and passion
and never cold like ice.

So, you're asking, "How much do I mean to you?"
Words can't explain how I feel,
but honey, I love you!


A New Beginning
I lived day by day,
Telling myself things will get better.

My life I tried to end,
'cause life to me seemed hopeless.

A new beginning you gave me,
A second chance at life.

Dead ends kept following me,
No matter how hard I tried.

Every time I tried to die
That unborn picture came to mind.

Seeing you suck your tiny thumb,
Seeing you yawn in my sister's womb,
Made me realize I need to live.

I cried in fear, "What should I do?"
That picture came to mind,
That picture of you.

A new beginning you gave to me,
Now you are here.

You let me taste the life,
The life I tried so hard to end.

Now I share my breath with you,
And hold dear to the memories we've shared,
And will continue sharing in the times ahead.

I thank you now for giving me
A new beginning - a better life.


My Best Friend
The summer we met how could I have known
I saw you that first time standing alone
I was new to the crowd and a little bit scared
I needed a friend who really cared
I never thought it would be you who'd come when I was down
I always felt if my life flooded you'd just let me drown

I don't know how it happened,
you were suddenly my best friend
I sat and listened to you cry
Your broken heart I tried to mend

You told me about the girl you loved
I told you be patient to look up above
I said to trust God to really pray
You said that you had, so I prayed everyday

I asked God to guide you and help you to see
I told you you could always depend on me
You got what you wanted but she doesn't treat you right
You both argue and she always starts a fight

One night we were talking about something she'd done
I had known I liked you but then it hit me all in one
Suddenly I knew I loved you more than life itself
and I broke down and cried all by myself

When I finally told you you didn't seem surprised
I stood in front of you drying my eyes
I love you more than words can say
I think about you everyday

You are my best friend and I hate to see you cry
I try to hide my feelings believe me(name) I try
I know I'll never measure up to what you see in her,
she's the luckiest girl I've ever known
But just know you're never on your own
I love you, my best friend


Hey, I'm Keeping A Good Attitude
School�s such a bore, melancholic, and old -
The exciting is past and the gossip�s all told.
Teachers, they play on their computers all day;
While the kids talk as though they always had something to say.
Bullies roam free, girlfriends not true,
Good students (or saints) are understandably few.
While some rough guys constantly feud.
Hey, I�m keeping a good attitude.

School lunch is horrifying, nasty, and cold;
Those who try it are exceptionally bold.
Our school team�s a joke, our mascot a bore,
Every day our faces get creamed to the floor.
The dances are repetitious, hot, and dumb,
Many won�t dance, others won�t come.
The kid next to me just noisily spewed,
But hey, I�m keeping a good attitude.

It�s harder to get straight F�s than A�s,
And all count with hope the minusing days.
For summer calls lazily, promising fun
If only you get your school work done.
To those who do not, I sadly say,
Your summer of fun has just lost its ray
Of hope for times always better ahead,
But you just got stuck with Hades instead.
I don�t mean to exaggerate, be offensive, or rude.
This whole time I�ve kept a good attitude.


As I lie here in your sleeping arms
No words spoken
No sound made
Just lying here with you says enough

With your arms around me
Your breath whispering across my face
So warm
Yet so cooling

Your comfort and
Your love surround me
You mean so much to me
I've never felt love so strong

I love looking into your heavenly eyes
But not as much as I love to gaze upon your
angelic face
It fills me up inside
With emotions too great to express

I want to give you my all
Everything I have inside
How can I prove my love to you
Words just aren't enough

You're what I've been waiting for
I've been lonely for so long
But when I'm with you
I know in my heart;
my soul, it was worth the wait

The stillness breaks
Your body awakes
You turn over towards me
Your eyes open

They look into mine
They make me glad to be alive
To breathe the same air as you
To touch you

Your soft lips meet mine
They whisper words I could live forever in
"I love you"
My heart melts

I return your kiss
And the words you speak
I return your love
And all that you've given to me

I love you, my sleeping baby.

Welcome Me, Adulthood
Welcome me, Adulthood, I have ventured
through childhood with all the wonders and dangers in it.

I have placed my childhood fantasies aside,
and picked up hopes of becoming who I want to be.

Embrace me knowledge,
I am ready to know more and add to what I know already.
I have conquered my fear of the night,
now I only fear of becoming nothing.
I have stopped pretending to be what I thought I was going to be,
and realized that I am only what I make of myself.

I have come down from the land of make-believe,
and I have found the strength to believe in me.
So when I come upon you, open your arms,
and welcome me, Adulthood,
for I am headed your way.


The Bitter Truth
You say one thing
Yet you mean another
You try to be up front
While hiding beneath a cover

Why are you so selfish?
And why so ignorant?
What exactly does love mean to you
Or should I say, meant?

I've never known someone so fake
Someone who can't speak the truth
Someone so terribly insecure
Someone so cruel, someone like you

Why did you have to be like this
You started off quite fine
You would always say how much you care
I guess that was just another "line"

I just sit around and remember
Of how much I used to enjoy your name
And how I so dearly loved
To play your little game

But now finally I know
That you aren't at all what I thought
And its a damn shame too,
Because I really liked you a lot


More Ways Than One
When I look into your eyes
I see the beauty that lies...
Deep within your heart

You dream what I dream
You feel what I feel
Baby, don't listen when they say
That what we have isn't real

The sound of your voice
The sight of your face
when I'm with you
There's no better place

You say that I'm an angel
But you gave me my wings
You treat me like a princess
And the best of all things

You've given me love
And all of my pride
You've showered your beauty
On this little heart of mine

So many nights
I've cried over you
Trying to find the wrong in this
But what I'm feeling is true

Never once
Did I think this would happen to me
That a piece of heaven would fall
And set my heart free

Free of the dark
Free of the lies
Free of the loneliness
Free of the lies

Sometimes it's hard
To say what's on my mind
And breaking through the hesitance
That I'm leaving behind

I wish that we could be together
just how we want
Just me and you
No hiding no lies
But for now this will have to do

I pray for the blessings of the Lord that
we can stay strong
And that this hopeless devotion
could seem right for the poor souls who
feel that it's wrong

When it's cold and dark I can feel the
the warmth of the sun
Baby please believe me when I say
"I love you forever
In more ways than one"
